
Here at the Kentucky College of Optometry, we are staffed with highly trained pediatric optometrists. Along with providing routine, comprehensive exams for infants and children, our pediatric clinic also provides eye care services for patients with special needs, developmental disabilities, visual processing disorders and binocular vision conditions such as a lazy eye, eye turn or tracking difficulties.

According to the American Optometric Association, one in five school-aged children have a vision problem, and one in four need corrective lenses for these visual issues in the United States. Unfortunately, many children do not realize they have a vision problem and may not complain to adult guardians or teachers. In visiting an eye care provider, a comprehensive exam with dilation is the best way to determine if a visual problem is present.

As vision problems can worsen with age, it is important that these visual problems are diagnosed and treated in a timely manner to optimize visual outcomes. If untreated, vision problems can affect a child鈥檚 development, learning, and social interactions.

The American Optometric Association recommends that children have their first eye exam between the ages of 6 months and 1 year and then again at ages 3 and 5. The state of Kentucky also requires a complete eye exam for enrollment in any state-funded preschool such as Head Start and before Kindergarten. With a comprehensive exam in our clinic, the guardian will be provided with a completed vision form for school entry. After starting school, a child should be examined annually since vision can change with age and due to the visual demands of reading and schoolwork.

Call for an appointment: 606-218-5540

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We offer comprehensive pediatric care along with other specialized services including:

  • Binocular Vision Evaluation
  • Sports Vision Training
  • Traumatic Brain Injury Evaluation
  • Visual Processing Evaluation
  • Vision Therapy

Meet the Doctors:

Rachel Fitzgerald, O.D. FAAO

Assistant Professor of Optometry

Hours service provided:

Tuesday: 1:00-6:00

Thursday: 8:00-5:00

To Schedule an appointment call :聽 606-218-5540