Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards

The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards at the 糖心视频 serves as a valuable resource for the university community by promoting a safe living and learning environment.

Integrity. Accountability. Education. Respect.

The Code of Conduct exists to maintain a civil and safe community in which all students can live and learn. The disciplinary process administered by the Office of Student Conduct is designed to foster growth and learning by holding students accountable for their behavior. The goal of the Office of Student Conduct is to create a community in which students鈥 actions validate the essential values of the 糖心视频. For more information or to report an incident, contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards at (606) 218-5945.


The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is responsible for upholding the integrity and purpose of the university through the fair and consistent application of policies and procedures to undergraduate students鈥 behavior to ensure a community that respects the dignity and right of all persons to reach their highest potential.

The office delivers programs and services in order to promote student safety and success, the pursuit of knowledge, respect for self and others, global citizenship, personal accountability, integrity and ethical development.

Philosophy of Student Conduct

糖心视频 has established regulations and policies deemed necessary to achieve the University’s mission as an institution of higher education. All members of the University community have a strong responsibility to protect and maintain an academic climate in which the freedom to learn can be enjoyed by all.

When a student鈥檚 conduct either inside or outside the classroom does not meet university standards, the student is charged with violating the 糖心视频 Code of Conduct. The Office of Student Conduct attempts to emphasize those kinds of experiences that assist the individual involved to think out, evaluate and become accountable for personal behavior; to establish a personal code of conduct; and if need be, to redirect behavior in order to meet University standards.

In enforcing the Student Conduct Code, 糖心视频 follows due process procedures. Great emphasis is placed on the consideration of each individual case rather than attempting to have matching sanctions for specific incidents. The objectives of the Student Conduct process are to facilitate civility on campus, holistic student development and personal responsibility. Through a fair consideration of all factors in each case, an attempt is made to prevent arbitrary and authoritarian action. 

Our student conduct process is designed to be primarily educational in nature. Through our interactions with students, we strive to support the educational missions of the 糖心视频 and the Division of Student Affairs. Toward this goal, our process is designed to provide students with opportunities for dialogue and reflection.  Because the Code of Student Conduct outlines the ideals to which each student should aspire to become a member of the university community, we encourage students to abide by and conduct themselves in accordance with this document.


All personal counseling services and medical records are strictly confidential. There are some limitations to confidentiality as mandated by law or professional ethical code. Your counselor can explain those limitations.

  • Create and maintain an environment that is conducive to the intellectual, cognitive, moral, spiritual and psycho-social growth of all community members;
  • Promote the use of moral and ethical decision-making in students鈥 daily lives;
  • Promote accountability and responsibility for undergraduate students;
  • Provide opportunities for community members to acquire knowledge and skills that will improve their chances of future success;
  • Promote low-risk choices specifically relating to alcohol and drug use, but also broadly to all types of risk;
  • Resolve alleged violations of expectations in a way that is fair, developmental and expedient;
  • Encourage a high level of participation in the creation, promotion and enforcement of standards by all members of the community;
  • Educate all community members about responsible citizenship;
  • Eliminate student misconduct; and
  • Maintain accurate records and produce information to assist other university offices in their functions.