The UNH College of Professional Studies (UNH CPS) is excited to announce a new opportunity for teachers working on site-based licensure plans.The Center for Educator Preparation at UNH CPS is now offering noncredit, online units of content specifically targeting the certification competencies in General Special Education, Early Childhood Special Education, Reading and Writing Specialist, Reading and Writing Teacher, and Upper and Middle-Level Mathematics.Teachers may select from a menu of content units which meet the New Hampshire Department of Education site-based licensure plan competencies.
The units are entirely self-paced and provide learning activities in an asynchronous format. These four-week units are offered at a 40% discount at only $250 per unit and the Center for Educator Preparation has a limited number of HEERF grant-funded scholarships available for teachers interested in participating in 2023/2024.
Program Director Kate Shumway-Pitt discussed how important it is to the college’s mission to keep education affordable and accessible for education students:
“Keeping the professional development units affordable is a priority for the Center for Educator Preparation at UNH CPS. Doing so will help reduce financial barriers while creating options for those working under SBLPs.”
Each of the learning modules within a unit begins with a summary of the module's key concepts and describes the activities within. Activities range in format from essays, quizzes, notes, meetings with school personnel, and various forms of assessment. Upon completion, teachers earn Credly badges (digital credentials) that can be applied toward professional development for recertification or as part of an approved site-based licensure plan or for professional development.
Academic Center Director Carolyn Cormier commented on how these programs have been specially designed to help teachers achieve and meet professional requirements:
“Teachers working under Intern Authorizations must fulfill requirements in their endorsement area as indicated in their site-based licensure plans.Our Professional Development Units have been designed to support these plans by providing content-based instruction that directly targets content standards in each certification area.”
For more information and to register, please visit:
For questions about the professional development units, please contact:
Carolyn Cormier, Ed.D
Academic Center Director
Kate Shumway-Pitt
Educator Preparation Program Director