
Circulation Policy

Please Note

  • To ensure that everyone has a chance to access a book within a reasonable amount of time, all materials checked out are subject to recall. When an item is recalled you will be notified by email with the new due date, typically 14 days from the date of the email.
  • There are no grace periods for recalled materials. After the new due date, library privileges are suspended until the recalled item is returned.
  • Renewals of materials are permitted provided there are no outstanding hold requests.
  • All materials returned damaged in any way (ink, pencil, water damage, pets, etc.) are subject to a minimum fine of $10 per item.
  • The replacement date of a billed item is the date with which the item status is changed toÌýbilledÌýfor replacement.
  • The billing fee is non-refundable.
  • The standard replacement fee for library materials is $75;Ìýhowever, the fee assessed will reflect the actual replacement cost of the material.

Loan Period: 4 weeks*

Renewals allowed? Yes

Grace period: 10 days

Replacement date: 8 weeks after due date

Billing fee:Ìý$5 per item

Replacement fine:Ìý$75 per item

* Extended Time: Faculty and graduate students of UNH Manchester are eligible to borrow most books on extended time. The extended time due date is usually at the end of the spring semester. All items are subject to recall at any time, so please check your mail regularly.

Loan Period: 1 week

Renewals allowed? Yes, one time only

Grace period: 3 days

Replacement date: 2 weeks after due date

Billing fee: $5 per item

Replacement fine: $75 per item

Loan Period: 2-hour, 3 or 7 days*

Renewals allowed? No

Grace period: None

Fine after grace ends: $1 per day, up to $50

Replacement date: 2 weeks after due date

Billing fee: $20 per item

Replacement fine: $75 per item

* Determined by faculty member or course instructor

Articles Loan Period: Yours to keep.

Book Loan Period: Determined by the lending library
Book Renewals:Ìý At the discretion of the lending library

Other Materials Loan Period:Ìý At the discretion of the lending library.

Reference and periodicals are not available for checkout. They are to be used in the library only.

Loan Period: End of day

Renewals allowed? No

Grace period: None

Fine after grace ends: $1 per day, up to $50

Replacement date: 2 weeks after due date

Billing fee: $50 per item

Replacement fine: Actual cost to replace

Food and Drink Policy


Food is permitted in the library.


Drinks in covered, spill-proof containers or capped bottles are allowed in all areas of the library. Appropriate containersÌýinclude (but are not limited to)Ìýbottled water or soda,Ìýcoffee cups with lidsÌýand travel mugs.

Common Courtesy

  • Please place recyclables in recycling bins and non-recyclable garbage in trash cans.
  • Report accidental spills to the staff as soon as possible.

While drinks are allowed, if the library staff receives complaints, we reserve theÌýright to ask patronsÌýtoÌýput/throw their drinks away if they want to stay in the library.

Laptop Lending Policy

For local students, the UNH Manchester Learning Commons laptops are available for use by current students*,Ìýfaculty andÌýstaff. Laptops can be checked out at the Help Desk with a valid UNH Manchester ID.

The laptops have limited programs available for use, e.g. Microsoft Office, as well as Internet Explorer and Firefox, which studentsÌýcan accessÌýthroughÌýthe University's secure wireless network.ÌýLaptops may be checked out until the end of the day.


  • Must present a valid UNH Manchester photo ID
  • An individual may check out only one laptop at a time
  • Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis andÌýcannot be reserved ahead of time
  • Laptops must be returned by the same individual whoÌýchecked it out
  • Learning Commons staff members are not responsible for teaching patrons how to use hardware or software packages
  • Patrons assume full responsibility for any damages, theft or loss while in possession of the library laptop
  • Individuals must abide by the University'sÌý

FinesÌý& Billing Fee

Overdue fines are $1 per hour up to a maximum of $50. Overdue fines are non-refundable. If a student does not return a laptop, it will be considered lost and a full replacement charge (current market value) plus a non-refundable $75 billing fee will be applied to the student's account. If the laptop is returned in good condition, the replacement charge is credited to the patron's account. The fines and billing fee will not be forgiven.

* Students must be in good standing with UNH Manchester Library in order to check out a laptop. This means they doÌýnot exceed $20 in fines or have a hold on their account for other infractions and have returned previously borrowed laptops in good condition.

Library Community Standards

The UNH Manchester Library provides shared spaces designed to support the academic mission of the ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ by providing expertise and resources in a safe, welcoming, and respectful environment that is conducive to research and study. While the UNH Manchester Library is open to members of the public, library spaces are primarily designed to support the research, scholarship, and study needs of UNH students and employees. To achieve this purpose, certain standards of behavior are expected of all library patrons in order to foster an environment of civility and respect.

Please visit this page to read the UNH Manchester Library's Community Standards: