Follow My Lead: How Two UNH College of Professional Studies Alumni Enrich Their Family Values By Completing Their Degrees

a man and woman sitting across from a table smiling at each other

Upon our arrival at the Rodriguez home, five-year-old Lakshmi, wearing her dinosaur backpack and sunshine-yellow hair ribbon, proudly announced herself by waving a hand and declaring, “Follow my lead!” One couldn’t help but smile and wonder at her natural confidence and energy. After spending time with her parents, it made perfect sense.   

The Power of Completing Your Degree

Our students and alumni recognize the importance of degree completion to prepare for professional opportunities with more confidence and skill; often sharing that achieving that milestone has helped them overcome workplace hurdles to career advancement. Equally meaningful is the power of degree completion to enrich their lives and their families’ lives.  

a portrait of a man and woman standing together and smiling

Siddartha Sosa Rodriguez ’12, ’14G and Griselle Da Corte Suarez ‘15G are proud alumni ambassadors who graciously invited us to their home for a conversation to learn more about their motivation to attend UNH, the alignment of their programs and careers with their values, and how achieving their degrees has influenced their life as a family.   

Developing an Ethic of Service

Siddartha and Grisel’s professional lives – through work in the nonprofit sector, military, and federal government - reflect their values of service to others and the community. Currently, Grisel is working for Easterseals NH, a mission-driven human services agency, where she has been employed for over a decade. Siddartha works for the U.S. Department of State, in addition to his 20-year career serving as a member of the New Hampshire National Guard and a beloved faculty member at their alma mater, UNH College of Professional Studies.   

Each developed an ethic of service early in their lives. As immigrants to the U.S., Siddartha from the Dominican Republic at 11 years old and Grisel from Venezuela as a young professional, faced the challenges of learning a new language and assimilating to American culture. Siddartha describes that their background has led to a broader, more inclusive view of what it means to be human. He shares his motivation to serve in the military and work for the federal government:  

“I view the United States as a nation of immigrants, as many of us can trace our lineage to other countries. From this perspective, I feel a shared connection with the broader community. However, I also feel a strong desire to contribute to our country in appreciation of the opportunities I have received and to support the ongoing growth and development of our dynamic nation.” 

a family photo outside with a young girl standing in front of a man and woman

For Grisel, it is a also true that moving between cultures can create a unique perspective on identity and purpose for their daughter, Lakshmi. 

“I hope that our diverse family composition will provide our daughter a more holistic view of what it is to exist. I hope she understands that no matter where we are, or where we come from, we are all looking to become the best version of ourselves. The only difference is that we do it in different ways. At the core, we are all the same.”  

Pursuing New Job Horizons Through Degree Completion

a man standing behind a woman who is sitting in a chair, working on a computer.

The military offered Siddartha a structured path for career development that opened up future career possibilities for him within and outside of the military, including postsecondary education. While a competitive job market initially motivated Siddartha to return to college, he realized how much he enjoyed school and ultimately completed two bachelor’s degrees. He describes pursuing a master’s degree in leadership as a natural transition that enabled him to further develop a growth mindset.  

“I always wanted to do more with my life, a feeling that I have more to offer and to do, so I was going to need education. UNH CPS made it possible, and I enjoyed every moment. It is one of the reasons I now teach: to give others the same sense of confidence and possibility in their lives.”  

Setting an Example For Their Family

Grisel notes that the growth mindset, which positively impacts them as professionals, also influences their

approach as parents.  

a father lifting his young daughter up in the air at the beach

“We all want to give our children the best opportunities to learn and grow. We want to see them succeed, but most importantly to help them become great human beings. Part of my daughter’s happiness will come from knowing she has reached her full potential, and I believe education plays an important role in that process. Raising good children who will become well-rounded individuals is our best contribution to the world.” 


For this couple, creating meaning is as much about how they live their lives as what they do. Siddartha describes that they have clarity about what they are working towards and stay curious to learn and grow. And, of course, they love Lakshmi with their whole hearts.   

“My hope is that she does become the best version of herself. Education is and will be an integral part of achieving that goal. The more we learn the more we grow. I always tell my students that they are not just learning for a job; they are learning to know themselves better. That the more they know themselves, the better they will be able to serve others. I hope to teach that to my daughter as well.” 

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